Know Not The Dark

Joseph Pinto gifts early Christmas monstrosities on this weeks Pen of the Damned! There is quite the subtle nod to Lovecraft brewing in this that serves a fantastic end. Great read, folks. And remember: keeping the outside lights up all winter isn’t weird at all!

Pen of the Damned

It crept up his neck, colder than the cold.

He knew he should’ve done it sooner—take the Christmas lights down—but he wasn’t one for strenuous labor, especially not in the teeth of winter. He realized the first weekend after the holidays would’ve been a perfect time, but he opted for the couch instead; relaxation, beer, movies on Netflix. But the subsequent weekends bled one into the next; unpacking, painting, the arranging of furniture. Simply no extra time existed during the week, his wife and he being the professional couple they were. They never regretted their move from city to sleepy hamlet. They just didn’t anticipate the zeal with which their town celebrated the holidays.

Deep into winter, and still all lights remained aglow. Every block, every house, either framed in bulbs of classic steady white or pulsing in rhythmic green, blue, red. Residences blazing all at once to life…

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Author: John Potts Jr

What keeps John awake at night? Humans. Our history, condition, and capabilities are a top focus for John as he conjures the terror of what we—be it an individual or a mass—can do. John also has an obsession for comedy and his online series, The Misadventures of Sam and Ghoul, incorporates that love with his past experiences. John will tell you that he prefers Ketchum over King, has played Magic: The Gathering for twenty years (what a nerd), believes that music is just as important as water, and despite being a self-appointed recluse he does enjoy getting out and about. John hails from Maine with his wonderful family and their home is, quite appropriately, in front of a cemetery.

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